
Big Data Certification Training

Course Duration: 34 Hours

Big Data Training For Rapidly Changing Market Dynamics and Tech Landscape

Big Data is the current buzzword because it is the understanding of the data that drives business growth. For that, you should choose Big Data Hadoop Certification from Ednotch.

About the Program:
The program is designed to offer you insights into various Big data frameworks using platforms uch as Hadoop and Spark, and MapReduce, HDFS, and YARN. You will learn to use Pig, data absorption, analysis, and much more including various interactive algorithms using Spark and Spark SQL, which would enable you to creating, querying, and transforming data forms.

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Course Modules:

The course is available in there different modules that include HADOOP concept and evolution, Big Data Advance, and Big Data Super Advance and each training program is designed according to the specific target profile’s requirement and needs.

Our training programs are run by highly experienced and qualified professionals who would help you in understanding the concepts and gave you both theoretical understanding and practical experience so that you can master the technology.

Yu can attend our online and offline courses according your convenience and the best part is that we make sure that all the candidates are given the best professional attention and guidance that they need, so, choose Ednotch and expand your career horizon today.